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... but let me briefly answer the questions you have asked in this challenge before introducing you with the What wows? section.

Where is the healthy line between virtual world and reality? 

Every human invention and every human action has its pros and cons. As a leading motto of this challenge says, “Our social tools are not an improvement to modern society, they are a challenge to it.” Clay Shirky. I believe that a healthy line between virtual world and reality is when you know that you own and control the presence. When you feel complete, satisfied, informed, fulfilled and happy, knowing that you are living to your potential, there is no need to stop using virtual tools. I believe that the key for balancing virtual world and reality is in moderation for the first case.

Is there something that should be brought back from virtual world into reality?

More human interactions in various areas. Virtual reality helps us build up the hard skills in a world where soft skills and empathy are real communicators of innovation.

How can a modern company help young people to lower the amount of time spent in virtual world? Help them to take responsibility of their social and real life?

My solution to this challenge lies in a new metrics and new approach called social media life balance, which derives from work-life balance. It looks like we have so many balances, that we have forgotten to live. IBM as a role model for other companies should create a free yet inspiring working environment, which will demonstrate that the responsibility of everyone‘ s life attitude has to be nurtured not pushed. Repression is not the solution, suitable substitution is. At the end of day, we all have 24h a day and it‘s about our preferences how we want to spend our lives. In a world where information is easy to reach, we feel like we need to consume everything. Let IBM be a role model for how to live progressively chasing our better selves, while giving back to community.

How can a modern company help young people to lower the amount of time spent in virtual world? Help them to take responsibility of their social and real life?

Virtual solutions are fast, effective and they define the competitive advantage of each company. Going back from online to offline might destroy the innovativeness and drive for creating every day’s better solutions. „Company culture doesn’t ‘t consist merely in the perks you offer to your employees, like a pool table and a soda machine, but rather the relationships that people have. “ Peter Thiel. I agree with this statement and I see a room of improvement for bringing the employees together on a human level. More would be explained in the particular solutions for this challenge.

What can companies do to bring the experience and learning into reality? 

Support intrapreneurship. Set up virtual world life balance foundation bringing all the relevant stakeholders together. To give you an insight, build up visualisation studio inside IBM premises where no electronic device would be allowed inside (box at the entrance) and where you would stimulate all your senses (touch, smell, sight, taste, hearing). Offer technology vacation and connect with others via our weaknesses, not strengths.

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